Maheshwari Girls' School

(A Unit of The Maheshwari Sabha Trust)
273, Rabindra Sarani, Kolkata - 700006
ESTD : 1986

Admission is Open Now For Nursery, Lower Infant, Upper Infant class and Class XI.
Getting Admission

Details of Admission process

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Rules and Regulations

Attendance and Leave of Absence

  1. Absentees for more than 3 days should submit a letter of absence and a medical certificate in case of sickness.
  2. Request for a half day leave and early departure will not be entertained. However in case of extreme emergency in the family, a student may be permitted to leave school before 2:35 pm, if a written request by the parents is made to the Principal.
  3. Students should have 75% attendance for promotion.
  4. Names of students who are absent for a month without prior sanction of the leave will be struck off the roll’s.
  5. The absence of a student should be duly recorded in a school diary. Absentees on rejoining school must produce letters from parents or guardians explaining the cause of absence.

Quarantine Period

Students Suffering from the following diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to class. They are requested to bring a medical fitness certificate with them.

Chicken Pox21 Days
Measles7 Days from rash
Mumps9 to 15 Days
ConjunctivitesOne Week
  1. Please do not send your wards before the completion of this period.
  2. Please do not send your wards to school with conjunctivities (red eyes.)
  3. Please do not send them to school with high fever or with any other ailments.


Students must reach the school fifteen minutes before the school bell rings at 8:20 A.M. The school gate will be closed at 8:25 A.M. Sharp and late comers will be marked absent for the day. Students arriving after 8:30 A.M. will not be allowed to enter the school.


  1. Before withdrawing a student from the school a month’s notice is to be given or a month’s fee in lieu of notice.
  2. Transfer certificate will be issued only after all dues to the school have been paid in full and on receipt of a written application from parents or guardian. ( T.C. Charges Rs. 50.00) 1st quarter fees to be cleared if applied for T.C. by 15th April, Full year fees must be cleared for T.C. if applied After 15th April.
  3. Notwithstanding anything mentioned herein, the school authority may at his/her absolute discretion ask any parent at any time to take his/her ward out of the school.
February 2025
Contact Info
  • 273, Rabindra Sarani, Kolkata - 700 006 West Bengal, India
  • +91 33 2259 3726

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Admission Open

Admission is Open Now
For Nursery, Lower Infant, Upper Infant class and Class XIPlease check Admission Information 
and Contact School for admission
or Call : +91 33 2259 3726






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